Information and rules

  • Event tickets once purchased will not be refunded.
  • Parents are responsible to take care of their children during the event. Families with young children may be requested to use seats available in balcony in order to avoid disturbance to artists and audience during the program.
  • Seats would be allocated on first-come-first-serve basis. Please do not approach/discuss with volunteers about seating arrangement.
  • Audience is requested to be present at least 15 minutes before program to allow smooth check-in process.
  • Audience is requested to strictly keep mobile phones on “silent/flight mode” or “switched off” during muscial program in auditorium.
  • All event attendees to adhere the Hygiene guidelines issued by government.
  • Entry will be prohibited for non-compliant person and no refund will be given.
  • Members booking more than entitled membership count would be charged at Non-Member price.
  • This is a limited capacity event and MMM reserves right to close event registration without prior notice.
  • For additional information regarding ticket sales, please contact us on